RECKEEN 3D Studio - 4K, 12GSDI-HDMI Virtual Studio


Sale price$21,300.00


RECKEEN 3D Studio is a 4K virtual 3D studio workstation.
It includes:
- a PC station dedicated to the system ensuring the highest possible performance, with capture card with: 1x3G SDI, 1x12G SDI, 2xHDMI inputs; 2xSDI & 2xHDMI outputs; audio card: Analog stereo 2xXLR, 2xJack 6,3mm, & 1xMIC jack 6,3 mm inputs; 2xXLR, 2xJack 6,3mm & 1x Headphones Jack 6,3 mm outputs.
- VKey200 Control Panel
- Reckeen software 3.0. with lifetime licenses for: LITE (2D) & 3D Studio - Demo license for: XR

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