Foba MINI-SUPERBALLw/QR & pan plt

Sale price$733.95


The smaller FOBA MINI-SUPERBALL is the perfect tripod mounting for small and medium format cameras. It has been built according to the well-tried technology of SUPERBALL and ensures a strong hold of the camera. The ball head BALMU is equipped both with a handy friction clamp and also with a locking lever for the fixation of the camera (Quick-Lock). It has a panorama plate with full 360° rotation, calibrated in degrees (intervals of 5°) and with a separate lock screw (BALTA). Equipped with the quick-release unit BALSI, it ensures great operating comfort and highest safety (one safety plug which can be removed and one which can be tilted). A wide variety of quickrelease plates are available, all of which can remain on the cameras. Suited for small- and medium-format cameras as well as for sensors.

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