When you need studio lighting & systems integration MAKE US YOUR FIRST CALL.
Why? Because simple or complex, the L | A Firm specializes in helping you create your studio with everything that defines lighting design and system integration.
The L | A Firm family of companies offers a full suite of specialty lighting products and consulting services that come with decades of expertise and a personalized approach to accomplish one goal: Your vision, fully realized.
Think of the L | A Firm first, when you need help with any of the following kinds of Broadcast Production Studio Lighting Design & Systems Integration projects:
TV broadcast & film production stage / studio lighting Commercial, corporate, industrial lighting & workflow applications Virtual and Augmented Reality Stages Podcasting / Streaming Rooms Talk show, Infomercial, News or Sports Desk set Insert stage or Flash stage White, Green or Blue screen lighting House of worship lighting Digital imaging and extraction studios
So remember, The L | A Firm is your Pro Supplier / Advisor of Media Domain Technology & Project Based Specialty Lighting for all the projects you're working on. So email us about a product or project that needs a solution that The L | A Firm can provide.